Juggling Struggles

How many life roles do you juggle?

I'm always amazed when I make a list. Mother, wife, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend, writer, gardener, secretary / bookkeeper—just to name a few. But there also other roles like Earth inhabitant, American citizen, and community member. Sometimes the to-do list for all these roles feels overwhelming.

Lately, I've been thinking about that these roles have multiple sub-roles within them. I heard an editor comment that he wears many different hats as a part of his job. Sometimes, he's the negotiator between the writer and publisher or the encourager when his writer is questioning God's call or the strict father forcing a deadline. You get the idea.

And that's true in the role of parenting small children. One minute—nurse, the next—cook, the next—etiquette coach teaching manners, the next—rule enforcer. Many different roles within the main role of being a parent. And as time marches on, those roles change. We're still parents when our kids grow up and move out. Just different skills are needed to fulfill our roles.

Then I began to think of the roles Jesus had.

Even as the Christ, He was a son, brother, friend, carpenter, and a Jewish citizen. And if we look at His role as the leader of the disciples, we see Him as a teacher, master parable-teller, tax payer, fishing mentor, encourager, healer, foot-washing servant, and life guard to a sinking Peter—to name a few. 

Roles within roles. Just like us.

And yet, that doesn't begin to cover His roles as the Messiah, Living Water, Bread of Life, Prince of Peace, the Good Shepherd or Lamb of God. Again, to only name a few. He performed His roles flawless with love and compassion. His perfect timing always bought the most glory to His Father. And He did that by staying focused on His Father's will.

Not me.

Overwhelmed, stressed-out, grumbler. That poor attitude often sets me up for failure. Not much love and compassion here. But I've learned the more I focus on my Savior and His example, the closer to the mark I come. Timing and love both improve. When I'm successful, I accomplish more on time and with love compared to when I operate from my own struggling will. Joy is present.

If only I can remember to do this before I get swept up in the complex roles of everyday life.

So the first role of my life must be Christ-follower. Less me. More Him. If I submit to His will, He will give me the strength to undertake all my other roles. Surely, He is the key to success. And the remedy to my overwhelmed, stressed-out, grumbling self.

How do you juggle your struggles? What helps you on the journey? Please share in the comment section below.

Tweetys #Liferoles #Christfollower #Toomanyroles #ChooseWisely  

By the grace of God and perpetual spiritual and emotional renovation, Tammy Van Gils writes and blogs about Hope for the Everblooming Life at Tammyvangils.com. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers Association and Word Word Weavers International. Visit her on Facebook  and Twitter.  


  1. I'm thankful that retirement has reduced the number of really important roles I play. Yet with each passing day I become more aware of the importance of those roles I still play. Last week I received a prayer request from a young lady through a Facebook message. We really didn't know one another, but because of a brief conversation we'd had in 2011, she felt comfortable coming to me and sharing about her mother's serious health problem, which ultimately took her life over the weekend. I suppose it was God's still small voice tugging at my heart, but I don't know when I've prayed so faithfully for someone I didn't really know. But God chose the role of pray-er for me to fill last week, and I felt blessed that he would honor me that way. If only I were that open--that obedient--to other of my roles.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Roger. Glad that you were able to be a part of such a difficult time for someone else. I agree it's important to listen to that still small voice. Thanks for your friendship!

  2. Juggling struggles can be hard at times. But, remembering to take my struggles and concerns to God really helps me. God knows what I need and He provides in His timing. :-)

    1. He is pretty great on the exact timing, although it most often doesn't line up with my timing. Thanks for sharing!!


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