Flying Principles? Help!!

Discipline. Self-control. Perseverance.

Tough words and even tougher principles to develop in life.

I enjoy blogging and especially receiving feedback. But for this blog, picture the two of us sitting comfortably in a my front yard, sharing a fresh glass of ice tea and picking each other's brain. I need help because I know you have the same struggles with those three words in life and that you have some valuable wisdom to share with me.

In some areas of life, I'm quite disciplined. Like bookkeeping or paperwork. No problem. Slow and steady, I can persevere through a huge pile of mail, letter writing and accounting. Or organizing a huge mess or pulling off a large community-wide project. I work my list, one bit at a time and I get 'er done.

There are tasks in my life which require me to push myself more to stay productive. Like weeding the garden or cleaning the bathrooms. Oh, I get them done but with more self-talk. "Come on, hang in there. You can do this." I'm sure you understand.

But the weakest area of my life involves a four letter word. FOOD.

Did you see it? Discipline, self-control and perseverance just flew out the window. I could write a book on what to eat, when to eat and why to eat what you eat! Like we need another diet book in this world.

But my true expertise really lies in how to fail within three days of starting any new eating plan. Now I'm fairly accomplished at eating gluten-free, but have failed at almost all other attempts at losing weight or even just making better choices like eating paleo.

The problem isn't about understanding why I need change. Or how to get started. Or resources. The problem is located squarely between my ears and the lack of those three necessary words / principles. 

If only it could be as easy as popping a pill, or buying a new gadget at Wally World and plugging it in my head like a finger drive into a computer. I wish a Tinker-bell-like-fairy would land on my shoulder, tap my head with her magical wand and "shazam". Discipline, self-control, and perseverance deeply penetrate my brain. FOOD becomes another every day word. Not this giant looming in my thoughts.

So this is where I shut up, lean over and look you in the eye. "What's worked for you? How have you developed these principles in your life? Do tell. I'm desperate for answers."

Just let me know if you don't want your comment / advice made public. No problem. It'll stay between us.

Thanks for visiting and sharing.

Tammy Van Gils is a writer, blogger, and co-owner of S & N Paint Contractors, Inc. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Word Weavers International. In the Richmond area, she is a member of The Christian Writers Hub and Word Weavers Richmond. Visit her Facebook Page, Pinterest and Twitter @Tammyvangils
