Breaking News

Have you noticed how many breaking news stories there are nowadays?

Almost every time the television news comes on, alarming images and daunting music announces once again--breaking news. Like there isn't plain ol' news any more.

Back in the day, special reports only happened for the really big stuff like a man landing on the moon, a president being shot, or crashing of an airplane. But now, a murder six states away, a celebrity dies, or an animal killed on a California bridge is breaking news. Why?

I have a theory. I believe every time the television media declares breaking news, they send out a warning to all their cell phone subscribers. The more alerts, the more tuned in we are. Why do they want us glued to our phones and televisions?

Another theory. Today's news media has more competition than the old fashioned newspaper of yesteryear. We have the internet and social media. And it's available every moment. Not just at six and eleven o'clock. We've never had more options to access the latest and greatest than at this time in history.
So to compete, the news media changed. More frequent. More sensationalized. More opinions. Less fair and unbiased reporting.

Do we really need to know who cheated on whom? Or a blow-by-blow account of traffic accident reports? Or the latest social media app or video game?

Often, I wonder if news sensationalism hasn't made the issues worse. Sometimes, it feels like the news is hyped up to increase shock-and-awe. And thus, tragedy has become routine with the continual need to produce more anxiety with the ultimate goal of increasing viewership.  

Does over-reporting the actions of extremists groups increase their numbers and lawless bravado? What would happen if the media ceased reporting these publicity seeking actions? Would we be better off?

For example, why do we have to blanket the airwaves with pictures of school shooters or terrorists? Why don't we only show a blank face with a question mark unless they have escaped and police need the public to help find them? 

Why give this disturbed individual free publicity which can promote others with glory-seeking behavior?

Wish I had more answers…meanwhile, I long for the day of cut-and-dry, honest stick-to-the-point news reporting of my childhood.

Do you have suggestions to improve how our news is communicated? If you were the president of a news network, what would you change? 

By the grace of God and perpetual spiritual and emotional renovation, Tammy Van Gils writes and blogs about Hope for the Everblooming Life at She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers Association and Word Word Weavers International. Visit her on Facebook  and Twitter.  


  1. Breaking news can be so distressing. I wish there were more good news stories than bad news stories. "Breaking News...... God loves you each and everyday. Remember His mercies are new each day." :-) Now, that would be great "breaking news". :-)

    1. So absolutely true!! I could really use breaking news like that all day long. Thanks for the comment.


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