Woeful Politics

My government teacher taught, "You don't have the right to complain about our leaders or their decisions, if you don't participate in the process and vote." Because I'm an American who deeply loves my country, I believe in exercising my right to vote. I'm pretty sure I've never missed a federal or state election.

Of course, like most Americans I have strong opinions on the condition of our country, present leaders, and stand in the world. I do share those opinions with folks close to me but don't intend on sharing them publicly. I don't believe in debating my views with anyone either. I find most adults aren't interested in seeing the opposing point of view. I guess that's true of me too. Seems to usually end in an argument, hurt feelings or severed relationships.

But I do wish I could file a formal complaint about our upcoming election. Maybe to the National Bald Eagle Commission or to the Stars & Stripes Department. 
Here's what I'd say—

  • This is not a fourth grade battle on the playground. Name calling and insults are beneath any person running for the head of a country.
  • Why does each side constantly talk more about their opponent's failures, family, past, and income, than speaking clearly about their own accomplishments, values, and beliefs?
  • Does either side have any policies to introduce to actually help our country? 
  • How will campaign promises be fulfilled? How will America be better in four years?
  • Why does it cost so much money to run an election? Why is so much spent on promoting hate for the opponent instead of promoting a national renovation agenda for our country?
  • Why are PAC's allowed to spend billions of advertising dollars promoting their own agenda or candidate? They aren't running for office.

In November, I'll grit my teeth, roll my eyes, and huff, but I will vote. In the meanwhile, I wish we could have an election with focus, civility, and strategic plans for our country. After all, we are the people that put a man on the moon, organized car racing, and invented ice tea. 

The best gift the current candidates could give our country would be to speak truth, campaign their strategy, and respect each other with common decency. Is that too much to ask?

 May God bless America!

What do you think? Please share a civil comment or passionate grumble about the election process.


