Riddle #2: Who Am I?

How do I describe myself?

Well, first off I'm beautiful. Now I'm not being conceited, it's just a fact.

I'm all about change. Even the world adjusts for my arrival and yet, I reveal myself to only parts of the world at one time.

Also I'm into increasing many forms of life while stretching the light.

If you are into the harvest, well—I'm where it all begins.

I bring rejuvenation, rebirth, and renewal as I evolve.

And last but not least, most folks are excited to see me come, because I'm after cold and before hot.

Who am I?

Can you guess this week's riddle? Leave your answer in the comments. How about sharing your own riddle for us to solve? Thanks for sharing!


  1. Replies
    1. Bingo!! That's right!! Thanks for guessing. Hope you enjoy my riddles.

  2. The Dawn. My second answer is the moon but I am aiming for DAWN.

  3. I think the answer is DAWN. My first thought was the moon but the more I read it, the more I think DAWN.

  4. Great guess and close but not quite! Thanks for trying.


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