
As the years accumulate, so do the changes in our lives.

For example, aches and pain, hearing and vision loss, and grey hair or maybe balding. The endless battle with modern day electronics and the letting go of past favorites—like roller coasting riding or roller skating.

Once again, life sends the same old message. "Change is coming."

We had an elderly friend tell us, "Getting old isn't for sissies. They call retirement—the golden years, what a croc!"  Not only was she funny, but right and wise too.

It seems our lives begin with tremendous growth, incredible potential and endless opportunities. And we believe we'll exist forever, even when we witness the death of others.

But along the way a profound shift takes place. 

We begin to realize physical growth isn't taking place, yet aches and pains are creeping in. Instead of potential, we truly grasp our limitations. And all those endless opportunities turn into acceptance of letting go of past abilities and unrealized dreams. Our mortality looms in the back of our minds as we witness the loss of family and friends.

Before you think I've slipped into a deep depression, hear me out.

When we were younger and had growth, potential, and opportunities on our side—we still had to live with limitations. Like being old enough to drive a car, or pay our way, or the necessary degrees or years of experience to land our dream job.

Even back then, we had to make the best of every situation. We had to choose a path, work our plan, and deal with life's setbacks.

Hear my heart; I'm not minimizing the effects and challenges of aging which can be profound. I'm simply offering a fresh and hopeful perspective to consider. As we grow old, we may not have stamina like the Tazmanian Devil or speed like the Road Runner, but instead we have more wisdom and experience to choose the right path and the ability to work our plan efficiently. And we've surely had countless opportunities to tackle and overcome life's setbacks.

So here's the takeaway.

Even during the changing, have hope. Life's not easy for the young or the old. Limitations and setbacks abound. Search for the golden moments even if you have achy joints. Unearth newfound potential buried deep within yourself. Savor new opportunities with passion. Embrace the change.

Here's to accumulating many more years and may they be filled with hope, love, and joy.

Have you observed changes in your life due to aging lately? What gives you hope? Please share. Someone somewhere could benefit from your sage advice.



  1. Very well written! always enjoyable! You are very talented and descriptive! Im proud to call you my Mother in Law:)

  2. You wrote that just for me, didn't you? *big smile* Well done, Tammy.


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