Epiphanies & Confessions

I just love epiphanies and want to share one. But first, I have a confession.

You know how Old Testament scripture tells us how God required sacrifices for the people's sins. Bulls, goats, rams, lambs, pigeons. My confession is that I've always felt sorry for those animals. You know, they were innocent and had to lose their lives. Seemed kind of unfair.

Well, then my epiphany happened.

Almost three years ago, Hubby and I moved to a woodsy neighborhood with lots of deer. In preparation for a new garden spot, I had to relocate an existing bush to make room for a new blueberry bush. 

You see, deer eat azaleas, as well as blueberry bushes. So I moved the azalea to the outer edge of my garden spot as my sacrificial offering to the deer. Eat my azaleas, not my blueberries, kale, basil and so on. I crossed my fingers.

And then God nudged my heart with awareness. Look at what I'm doing to save my veggies. Offering the deer another option. I want my garden to thrive. And I'm only a gardener.

What about God? 

He's the Creator of all life, including humans. And He wants us to thrive. So to teach His people that sin has consequences, He required sacrifices. A ceremonial act to outwardly clean. True love embraces sacrifice. Man's standing with Him mattered more than the sacrificed animals. 

Like my veggies matter more to me than the azalea bush.

Another confession. I'm glad I live after the first Easter. God sent His only Son as a sacrifice--once--and for all who believe. No more animal sacrifices.

1 John 2:2 tells us, "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world." Forgiven sins no longer need sacrifices.

"For I (God) desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. Hos 6:6." 

He wants us in relationship with Him. Now that's love. True love.

I love that God spoke to me in my garden. I think He's partial to gardens. 

Remember He's the orginal Gardener.  

What about you? Any recent epiphanies or garden lessons? Please share. 

Tammy Van Gils plants words and sprouts insightful stories blooming with hope. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She's honored to be a guest blogger and a contributor to The Wonders of Nature Devotion Book, Worthy Inspired, Dec 2016.
