Garden of Eden Wisdom Nuggets

Do you have a favorite book of the Bible? One you can't seem to get enough of. 

Me too. I'm obsessed with the first few chapters of Genesis and the last two in Revelation. I read them often. 

Like the rest of the Bible, I believe they contain secret "wisdom" nuggets buried for discovery. Like this one--

Maybe like me, you assumed that God formed man from the soil inside the Garden of Eden

But look at this buried nugget--

Genesis 2:7 tells of God creating Adam, but then verse 8 reads,
"Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden: and there he put the man he had formed."

So the Master Gardener had planted a special garden, made man, and then put him in the garden

Verse 15 reiterates, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."

He purposefully placed him. 


In a garden planted with all kind of trees growing out of the ground- pleasing to the eye and good for food (vs. 9) and with a river watering the garden (vs. 10).

We are His prized creation--made in His image and the only form of LIFE He breathed into existence. So important was man to God, He safely placed man inside a garden and then gave him an assignment, "to work it and take care of it."

Gardens must be important to God, for Him to plant His prized creation in one. 

Like He did with you and me. 

He's placed us in our own LIFE Garden (see last week's post). And like Adam and Eve, we have been given the awesome opportunity to work our unique plot. 

We are blessed to know the outcome of their garden experience so we can glean a valuable lesson. 

There can be sneaky snake traps, temptations, and evil right inside the garden walls. If we aren't armed with the Word of God and connected to the Master, we too could easily be deceived. 

May we strive to make wise choices and do the hard work of tending to our LIFE gardens. 

What are your favorite books / chapters of the Bible? Have you found any new nuggets of truth lately? Let's learn and grow together by sharing. 

Tammy Van Gils plants words and grows insightful stories blooming with hope. She is a thriving survivor of abuse, abandonment and adversity. How? By the Master Gardener's grace, the Vine's love, and the Advocate's renewal—emotionally and spiritually. She is sowing life with her husband of 35 years, a Yorkie Poo named Moose, and a dozen chickens. Her life harvest includes two sons and four grandsons. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers. She's honored to be a guest blogger and also a contributor to The Wonders of Nature Devotion Book (Dec 2016) and So God Made a Dog (July 2017), Worthy Inspired.
