Chasing Shadows

I'm not sure what woke us up, the howling wind or Moose--our eleven pound Yorki-poo—needing a quick trip outside. But a few minutes later, at two thirty in the morning, Hubby and I sat soaking in our hot tub. Looking up, we marveled at the crisp, bright moon and translucent, puffy clouds racing across the black sky.

Meanwhile, Moose sat in his favorite chair in the sun room and barked. Over and over. Sometimes he'll do a few barks letting us know a critter is passing through his woods. But this consistent barking reflected a soul plagued by alarm and unrest. I admit sometimes I wish he had a mute button.

"It's the chasing shadows." Hubby commented.

He was right. From Moose's second-story perspective as those puffy clouds passed in front of the moon's strong light, moving shadows were cast on the ground. And as fast as the wind howled, those shadows danced quickly across our back woods and ravine.

Then Hubby said, "Now there's a blog for you. Chasing shadows." Once again he was right.

You see, sometimes life delivers unforeseen opportunities or mysterious dilemmas. That's where perspective comes in. 

Moose looked down from his lofty perch in the chair and saw a peculiar sight—chasing shadows. So he went into alarm mode and wanted the whole neighborhood to know something freaky was happening in the woods.

While we sat soaking and looking up with awe at the majestic dance between light and wind, moon and clouds. Truly, nature provided a rare and beautiful sight right above us.

Two different perspectives happening at the same time from the same event.

This made me wonder. How often do we have our focus here on Earth and become alarmed and freaked out? Honestly, more than I care to admit.

But what if we just relaxed, looked up with awe, and watched the Creator of Nature do His best?

Because He never does anything half-hearted. He created every atom, every wind, and every moment. None of which we can see with our human eye but we know each exist. Our Heavenly Father desires for our perspective to be on Him and not the troubles of this world—like chasing shadows.

May our relationships with Him deepen day by day. May we find peace and hope with our perspective focused on Him. And then maybe like Moose, we will be inspired to bark like crazy proclaiming our faith in a dark world full of chasing shadows.  

To God be the Glory.

Tammy Van Gils plants words and grows insightful stories blooming with hope. She is a thriving survivor of abuse, abandonment and adversity. How? By the Master Gardener's grace, the Vine's love, and the Advocate's renewal—emotionally and spiritually. She is sowing life with her husband of 35 years, a Yorkie Poo named Moose, and a dozen chickens. Her life harvest includes two sons and four grandsons. She enjoys gardening, quilting, and writing. 
